MyKidsVision Privacy Policy

Privacy is important and we respect yours.

This policy sets out our privacy practices and how we handle information we may collect from or about you when you visit and use MyKidsVision.

What do we capture and what for?

You may choose to provide certain information such as personal details, email address and so forth to My Kids Vision in order to use MyKidsVision. This information is used by MyKidsVision to:

  • provide services via the MyKidsVision application.
  • respond to enquiries originating from you.
  • add you to a mailing list for newsletters and other occasional email contact. You may request at any time to be removed from this list.
  • add you to our contacts database which may result in email, postal or telephone communication. You may request at any time to be removed from this list.

Google Analytics

Sharing of Information

MyKidsVision may share information under the following circumstances:

  • legal requirement - courts, administrative agencies, or other government entities.
  • Organisations that may provide services to us - where relevant we may need to share some of your information to companies we engage with (for example, accountants, lawyers, business advisors, marketing service providers, debt collection service providers, equipment providers). Note that these third parties are prohibited by law or by contract from processing personal information for purposes other than those disclosed in this Privacy Policy.
  • where the information is already in the public domain.
  • business sale or merger - where contact data may be passed to new owners.


At your request, where we capture identifiable information, we will provide you with reasonable access to your personal information, so that you can review what we have stored and, if you choose, request corrections to it. Please request access by writing to us at the address listed in the Contact Information section below.


MyKidsVision combines technical and physical safeguards with employee policies and procedures to protect your information. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to protect your information.

Links to Other Websites

When you click on a link on this website that takes you to a website operated by another company, you will be subject to that company’s privacy practices.


MyKidsVision may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time.

Enforcement, Dispute Resolution, and Verification

Please contact us with any questions or concerns related to this Privacy Policy by using the address listed in the Contact Information section below. We will investigate and attempt to resolve complaints or disputes regarding personal information.

Contact Information

Dołącz do dyskusji

Kanały naszych mediów społecznościowych oferują wspierającą społeczność dla opiekunów zaangażowanych w kontrolowanie krótkowzroczności swoich dzieci. Jest to bezpieczna, przyjazna przestrzeń dla rodziców, zapewniająca dostęp do użytecznych zasobów, umożliwiająca zadawanie pytań i dzielenie się doświadczeniami.

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