
Centro de conocimiento de la miopía.

Actualizamos regularmente nuestro Centro de Conocimientos de Miopía con artículos útiles e información sobre la gestión de la miopía en niños y jóvenes de todas las edades.

Desde explicar las opciones de tratamiento de la miopía hasta ofrecer consejos para lanzar el desarrollo de la miopía, hemos reunido la información más importante para los padres de niños miopes. Explore los artículos en su ocio o los filtre por categoría de edad, tema o sujeto para un acceso rápido y fácil a los consejos más relevantes para usted y su hijo.

Progressive myopia in children and how to manage it

Progressive myopia in children and how to manage it

Progressive myopia in children is a global epidemic. It’s important to treat progressive myopia as early as possible, to protect eye health and preserve vision.

Screen time for children: how much is ok?

Screen time for children: how much is ok?

Screen use can be important for learning but recommendations are to limit leisure screen time to less than 2 hours per day in school-aged kids.

Eye glasses for myopia control in children

Eye glasses for myopia control in children

Eye glasses (spectacles) should be worn full time by children with myopia, and special designs can slow down myopia progression as well.

Soft contact lenses for myopia control in children

Soft contact lenses for myopia control in children

Contact lenses are a beneficial alternative to spectacles for correcting vision, and are increasingly used for slowing myopia progression in children.

Ortho-k for myopia control in children

Ortho-k for myopia control in children

In children ortho-k has been shown to be a safe method to slow myopia progression, and is most effective if started at age 6-8 years.

Atropine eye drops for myopia control in children

Atropine eye drops for myopia control in children

Atropine eye drops can be used to test and treat various eye conditions, and in low concentrations can slow myopia progression in children from age 4.

Ortho-k for children

Ortho-k for children

Ortho-k is a safe vision correction and myopia control option for children that offers many benefits compared to glasses and daily wear soft contact lenses.

How vision develops in children

How vision develops in children

Eye growth throughout childhood is guided by a mix of factors including genetics, ethnicity, visual environment, and lifestyle.

Únete a la discusión

Nuestros canales de redes sociales ofrecen una comunidad de apoyo para aquellos que ayudan a sus hijos a manejar la miopía. Es un espacio seguro y amigable para que los padres accedan a recursos útiles, hagan preguntas y compartan sus propias experiencias con los demás.

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